Hoy es el día en que debo usar bikini.
Ok... no me desahogué por completo.
Ya, ahora me siento algo mejor. Qué nervios! No quería ir porque no estoy preparada, pero la hija de mi prima que llegó de Estados Unidos irá (ella tiene 12 años y el muy delgada! - yo tengo 19 y soy gorda haha). ella es muy simpática! Me llevo muy bien con ella porque es muy madura para la edad que tiene; además somos del mismo porte y tiene el mismo tipo de bikini que yo (como pantaleta). Así que como ella me pidió ir.. iré.. Y me sacarán fotos en la piscina y dirán SALVEN A ESA BALLENA! O algo así.
Besitos!!!!!!!! o=(Ö,)=o x
P.D: como es de esperarse en una familia típica, recibí regalos:
El mejor regalo: una polera que mi prima me compro antes de venirse de Estados Unidos a Chile, que tiene la bandera de Inglaterra, un sombrero inglés y dice 'Cheers!'. La amé!! haha
El peor regalo: chocolates... NOOOOOOOOOOOO hahaha
P.D 2: No cené. Comí en la tarde ensalada de corn y un poquitín de pavo, por lo que a la hora de la cena estaba satisfecha y no probé bocado. MUAHAHAHA xD

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About Me

- Snowbunny ʚϊɞ
- Un gusto conocerlas a todas :) jamás olviden que para conseguir lo mejor, debemos ser las mejores.. en TODO! Besitos :)) P.S: cierro este perfil.
The only person standing in your way is YOU.
I'm not telling you it's gonna be easy, I'm telling yu it's going to be worth it.
I don't hate you, I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence.
Don't be so quick to judge me; you only see what I choose to show.
There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
People were created to be loved and things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.
You can't get rid of your fears but you can learn to live with them.
I stopped eating and then everyone had to do what I said. That was powerful.
If you don't control your mind, someone else will.
I'm not telling you it's gonna be easy, I'm telling yu it's going to be worth it.
I don't hate you, I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence.
Don't be so quick to judge me; you only see what I choose to show.
There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
People were created to be loved and things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.
You can't get rid of your fears but you can learn to live with them.
I stopped eating and then everyone had to do what I said. That was powerful.
If you don't control your mind, someone else will.

• I do eat: only what is needed for . I can't help it that we live in a piggish society where gluttony is the norn, and everyone else is constantly stuffing themselves.
• Starving is an example of excellent will power.
• Fighting for the smallest goal: get a little self control.
• The difference between want and need is self-control.
• You've come too far to take orders from a cookie.
• Good girls don't swallow.
• An amateur practices untill he can get it right. A professional practices untill he can’t get it wrong.
• Do you believe in something beautiful? Then get up and be it!
• Hunger hurts but starving works.
• Starving is an example of excellent will power.
• Fighting for the smallest goal: get a little self control.
• The difference between want and need is self-control.
• You've come too far to take orders from a cookie.
• Good girls don't swallow.
• An amateur practices untill he can get it right. A professional practices untill he can’t get it wrong.
• Do you believe in something beautiful? Then get up and be it!
• Hunger hurts but starving works.
si hay algo que NO van a decir cuando te saques fotos es eso de "ballena".. vamoss, que seguro que te ves muy bien en ella, ayy! yo tambien ame esa pollera dios!! despues me la prestas!! :P
y eso del chocolate, uhh, otra perdicion para mi... y te felicito por no cenar! un beso linda, cuidate!!
te veras super con bikini, ah que si :D
debe se supe linda esa polera *-*!! jajja..
un beso linda! estamos hablando..
ami me dieron un solo regalo, unos 15 dolares D:
jaja cmo si hiciera algo con eso, pero bueno lo que cuenta es la intencion ..(?
un beso bunny, vas a estar genial !
Qué guay la polera Bunny^^ y no te preocupes que seguro que luces ese biquini, que tienes una cinturita genial niña ¬¬ Por cierto, qué suerte que no te dejasen cenar... ojalá pudiese decir lo mismo jajaja y me alegro que ya estés estable, me llegaste a preocupar niñita bonita ♥ Ah, y mil gracias por preocuparte por mí, y tu comentario... de verdad, gracias!
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