P.D: la imagen la subí porque me da risa, no tiene nada que ver con lo que escribí (obvio) haha

Culpabilidad después de comer
Eso me pasa siempre y no puedo evitarlo. Incluso si como poco y cosas sanas sin grasas (como fruta, verduras sin aceite, etc). Hoy cociné mi plato favorito (el cual contenía muchas verduras y pavo) y decidí comer. Luego de postre había café helado y no me resistí porque me encanta! No he comido más que eso y talvez más tarde con suerte me comeré una fruta y eso sería mi intake de hoy, pero yo tenía en mi calendario anotado para hoy un fasting... y no lo realicé sólo por falta de fuerza de voluntad.. simplemente no quise hacerlo y ya. Pero no me gusta no auto-obedecer mis órdenes >:P y tuve que tomar laxante... Prometí que no volvería a tomar alguno a menos que fuese de 'emergencia', pero noooooo... la culpabilidad SIEMPRE tiene que ir primero -.- Pero bueno... al menos ayer no tomé desayuno, no almorcé y no cené.. sólo comí esporádicamente un poco de tomate, papa, y 2 helados de piña colada de 65 calorías cada uno. RABIA lol. Cuidense mucho, besitos! x
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About Me

- Snowbunny ʚϊɞ
- Un gusto conocerlas a todas :) jamás olviden que para conseguir lo mejor, debemos ser las mejores.. en TODO! Besitos :)) P.S: cierro este perfil.
The only person standing in your way is YOU.
I'm not telling you it's gonna be easy, I'm telling yu it's going to be worth it.
I don't hate you, I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence.
Don't be so quick to judge me; you only see what I choose to show.
There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
People were created to be loved and things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.
You can't get rid of your fears but you can learn to live with them.
I stopped eating and then everyone had to do what I said. That was powerful.
If you don't control your mind, someone else will.
I'm not telling you it's gonna be easy, I'm telling yu it's going to be worth it.
I don't hate you, I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence.
Don't be so quick to judge me; you only see what I choose to show.
There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
People were created to be loved and things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.
You can't get rid of your fears but you can learn to live with them.
I stopped eating and then everyone had to do what I said. That was powerful.
If you don't control your mind, someone else will.

• I do eat: only what is needed for . I can't help it that we live in a piggish society where gluttony is the norn, and everyone else is constantly stuffing themselves.
• Starving is an example of excellent will power.
• Fighting for the smallest goal: get a little self control.
• The difference between want and need is self-control.
• You've come too far to take orders from a cookie.
• Good girls don't swallow.
• An amateur practices untill he can get it right. A professional practices untill he can’t get it wrong.
• Do you believe in something beautiful? Then get up and be it!
• Hunger hurts but starving works.
• Starving is an example of excellent will power.
• Fighting for the smallest goal: get a little self control.
• The difference between want and need is self-control.
• You've come too far to take orders from a cookie.
• Good girls don't swallow.
• An amateur practices untill he can get it right. A professional practices untill he can’t get it wrong.
• Do you believe in something beautiful? Then get up and be it!
• Hunger hurts but starving works.
Es inevitable, a mi tambien me pasa e.e
La foto esta bien jaja
Besos guapisima<3
bueno pero aflojale a la culpa porqe te vas a volver loca y es un asco eso .
te quiero bunny monita :D
A mi me pasa Igual...siempre me siento culpable.
pero pues no hay que atormentarse tanto.
La imagen esta chistosa
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